dSign by docStribute®

Legally binding digital signatures that get business done

One Flat Fee - All the benefits

Full functionality for £20/month or £200 paid annually

dSign by docStribute® is the digital signing solution that gives you the room to grow. With our fair pricing, you get all the benefits at one flat fee with no hidden costs or sneaky upgrades required.

Some of the benefits

dSign by docStribute®

Unlimited Users

You don’t put a limit on the size of your team so why should we.
dSign by docStribute®

Unlimited Documents

Sign and send unlimited documents
dSign by docStribute®

Own Branding

Branded emails and interface
dSign by docStribute®

Sign in order

Send to multiple signers and set the signing order- either one after the other or in parallel
dSign by docStribute®

SMS - 2FA (£)

100 free SMS p.a
dSign by docStribute®

CO2e Saver Calculator

See how much you save


Create and automate digital signing sequence and workflows.


Protect your documents with SMS 2 factor authentication


Set the individual signers fields.


Get real time tracking, updates and legally binding audit report

Jody Saunders

CEO & Co-founder

"We switched from our previous provider as we were paying the same price per user as it costs to have my whole team using docStribute. Adding our company logo to contracts and emails looks great and adds a nice professional touch, which is hugely important for us as a small business. The process for both the sender and signee is super simple too, which is vital for the volume of contracts we send out for signing. Highly recommend docStribute's efficient and cost-effective platform for other SME's out there!"

Digital signing with DLT- Integrity.

Powered by Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) docStribute® dSign ensures the authenticity of contracts is retained from start to finish. Built on Hedera Hashgraph, dSign uses cryptography, 256 digit alphanumeric code and our military grade, seamless 3 factor verification  processes to store documents and create secure links to them.

When signed, your documents contents and their signatures are secured with a docStribute® digital stamp - ensuring one true source of the final contract, while recording a real time audit trail. 

To learn more about how we’re working with Hedera Hashgraph, read our case study here.

Start your 14 day free trial of dSign today.

Sign up using the button & we'll activate your account within hours.

Billed monthly
Start your 14 day free trial
Billed annually
Start your 14 day free trial
Trusted by FTSE 100 companies.